This page and the links below started off as a catalogue and record of houses, farms and other buildings in the Parish that have some historic interest. It was taken from the book "Cameos of Crosthwaite and Lyth" by kind permission of the authors Pam Bownass, Penny Mutch, Hartley Trotter and John Wilson.
However from the "hits" this section of web site was getting it was clear that there is considerable interest in the history of the Parish. It was decided to include the text from all of the chapters in the book; this was completed by the then webmaster John Sceal in September 2010 and photographs were added in November 2019. Clicking on any photograph will bring up a larger image.
It is hoped that further information in the form of photographs, notes or other records are added to these pages as contributions are received and time and space allow. This, together with the Genealogy section of the site, will provide a permanent and expanding record of the history of the Parish.
Chapter 10 of the Cameos book is substantial and has been divided into two. Details of each individual building in these chapters can be accessed in two ways. Chapters 10a and 10b, in the links below, list the houses in alphabetical order. When the page is opened up there is a list of properties where records are available and if you "click" on the property name you should jump to the details.
The Index Map is an alternative means of searching for a property based on its location. "Clicking" on the red blocks should take you to the relevant details in the pages referred to above.